
Anyone have ideas for homemade summer toys for a 7 y/o?

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Anyone have ideas for homemade summer toys for a 7 y/o?




  1. A box.... decorate it to look like a car... tie string to each corner so that they can step inside the open box and hang it from their shoulders... pretend they're driving.

  2. A fort. Take some boxes or just one big box and have him decorate it and play anything he wants to do in it. It could be a car,a house,a club house,a spaceship..and so much more. You can never get bored with a fort made a of boxes. I hope this helped.


  3. Stilts.  Get 2 large (and empty) tin cans.  Punch 2 holes in each can near the end with the metal still on it and thread a rope , long enough for the child to hold on to while walking on the can, through the holes and knotting it so it stays in place.  The child stands on the cans and walks.

    Or just build the usual kind out of wood.  Longish poles with a smaller chunk nailed lower down.

    Another idea,  make a bean bag target by cutting holes in a cardboard box.  Helps to make the target board slant backwards at, say, a 70 degree angle.  Add color to the solid parts if desired, but be sure to make a point system according to the difficulty of getting the target, i.e. a larger hole  5 points, a smaller one 10.

    Make the beanbags out of scrap cloth and fill with beans or sand or whatever.

    Have Fun whatever ya do !!!   :D

  4. my sister is seven and i taught her how to make a homemade guitar:


    3 or more rubber bands (different sizes)

    she loved it and let your son/daughter draw on it to have decorations =]

  5. um.....idk playing with trains and or barbies

  6. i have two siblings around that age and i can tell you, kids love making forts. Just let him/her go crazy with blankets, sheets, chairs, boxes, flashlights, whatever and your kid will spend the whole day building a fort and playing in it. even better: Let your kid invite some friends over to play too

    Other ideas:

    1.  Bubbles--they might sound too babyish for a seven year old but they can get really awesome.  Fill an inflatable pool with bubble liquid (dish detergent, water and a little liquid glycerin) and let your kid experiment with different bubble-blowing things. Try wire hangers, nets (they make foamy bubbles), plastic baskets, etc... almost everything with holes works. Use hula hoops for GIANT bubbles--or have your kid stand in the middle of the pool with the hoop around him and carefully pull the hoop up to blow a bubble around himself.

    2. Flubber--it's like slime, and what kid doesn't like gooey, gloppy messes? Here's how to make it.

    Mix 3/4 warm water, 1 cup elmers glue and food coloring in a bowl. Mix 2 tsp Borax and 1/2 warm water in another bowl. Be sure both are mixed really well. Then combine mixture 1 and mixture 2. No need to stir, and you have flubber! Work it with your fingers for a few minutes.

    3. Great for really hot days!  Pour water with food coloring in different shaped molds such as bundt pan, ice cube trays, containers.  Freeze until hard. Then pop the colored shapes out of the molds and let your kid build an "ice city".

    4. Spin art is a fun activity. Pull out an old salad spinner, some paper and different color paints. Cut the paper in half to fit in the salad spinner. Your kid can squirt drops of paint (not too much, the less the better) on the paper and spin it in the salad spinner.  Or you can use a small paper plate and food coloring instead. Amazing results! Just be sure to put the lid on the spinner before you spin otherwise you will have paint splattering everywhere.

    5. A buzz string is a pretty simple toy but it's still fun . Get a piece of thin string about one to two feet long. Then find a metal bottle cap--you know, like the beer kind--and poke a hole in it with an icepick. Put it on the string and tie. To use: Hold the string in your hands, make sure the cap is in the middle, and pull repeatedly until the cap starts to buzz.

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