
Anyone have ideas for my son's first bday party please? No other babies or kids are attending so I'm trying to

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to think of a fun activity? his party is at the end of august... any suggestions are welcome thank you in advance!




  1. Kashi is absolutely right. He won't remember the party. When my son turned 1 last year, we invited my neighbor's kids so he could play with other boys, as he only has sisters. and then we just had lil' smokies and chips and a cake. My husband's family tradition though on your first b'day is to get your own cake and go at it so we made my son his own cake (that no one was going to eat) took his clothes off except for his diaper and let him go at it. Let me tell you, you want an awesome party?? give the baby his own cake LOL

  2. You know what we did, we did a treasure hunt. We hid clues written on paper around the house and yard. Each adult took our daughter by the hand (I know she was too young to get it but the adults dug it) and each one led her from one clue to the next.  At the end of the string of clues was a big basket filled with with small tokens of our appreciation for those who came to the party. In my case it was a cellophane bag of homemade biscotti for each family tied with a pretty ribbon and a tag that said my daughter's birthday and her name.  Then my daughter had fun handing out her little bags to each of the guests. It was a cute, fun game for everyone.

  3. I would have hot dogs, or whatever they like to eat, juiceand finger treats that he can eat.  Have everyone wear birthday hat even though they are adults.. Have a few ballons.  I would do nd have all of the things that make him smile.  Next week will be my granddaughters first birthday and they is what I have have planned for her.  Maybe use a small pool and the adults put their feet in and get wet also.  Good luck.

  4. If you are inviting family members, just do a cook out.  Eat in the yard and set up your kid with his own cake and let him open presents and that will be all the excitement you need!   If it is just going to be you and your son, take him someplace like a childrens zoo where he can do new and fun things and you can take great pictures!

  5. Keep it simple and small.  1 year olds don't know it's their birthday nor do they care LOL

    With my kids, we did a small BBQ with good friends and family.    It ends up pretty much like any other get together.  Just make sure you take pictures!

  6. A 1 year old will not remember anything about his first birthday party.  The party is more for you than him.  Have a cook out and do out door actives like volleyball.  Do things that the adults will want to do.  You will have a better idea of there ability's than anyone out here.

  7. I think first birthdays are really for our memories.  The child doesn't really get into them at that age.  So, I would just make it like any other get together.  Food and good conversation!  If you'll be outside, maybe some horseshoes, volleyball net, etc.

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