
Anyone have information on biodiesel or methanol?

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Does anyone have information on extracting oils from plants to produce biodiesel?

I have done searches but I need to find where I can get the actual machinery etc.

I want to test some relatively new plants that grow extremely rapidly with little care.




  1. I dont know exactly

    However from my days in studing herbal medicine we used presses to extract essential oils

    A cold press extracts oil by jamming as much of your plant matter into a press and applying pressure to basically squeeze out the oil. this process is mainly to keep the essence of the oil important when dealing with perfumes and fragrances

    You can also extract by boiling in a vat.

    you could do your own test by getting a clean 44 gallon drum set up a fire place to sit the drum on put your chopped up plant matter in a drum and fill with water allow this to boil for many hours. this will seperate the oil from the plant matter

    try out botany texts, flower presses books, aromatherapy texts

    would be interested in your results as I have been doing my own biodiesel tests.

  2. Yes,Base raw material is cooking Oil,None Ediable Oil,Algea.I have study this in lenth anda of a openion Jatopa Seed,Palm Curnel,Algea besides Sun Flower seeds,Groundnuts,Cotton seed,Soya Beans etc.are few raw meterials for producing Oil.You must invest in Mechinesery like Oil Explers(India or China),Extrection Plant(Solvent Process).Left over can be used for Anmial feed as well Poultry some left over is useful for human food.If you need more information contect me on E-Mail

  3. Biodiesel can be made from many oil seeds but Jatropha is known as the best one for this. Jatropha curcus seeds are collected and used to make diesel and this project has been taken up in many places in India. Jatropha curcus is a native of Africa and North America, grows on waste land, is good for environment and 18 to 20% of it can be mixed with Diesel.

    Pressed cakes remaining after oil extraction can be used for bio gas production also. Soy bean and Rape seed are also used for producing bio diesel. Since Jatropha needs minimum care and can be grown on waste land this is normally preferred now a days.

    You need a small oil extraction and storage unit for this which is readily available and you will have to search for local vendor for this.

  4. Most plant oils actually come from seeds.  For example, rapeseed, soy beens, corn, sunflower seeds, olives.  It is extracted by pressing.  You can do it on a small scale with a simple hand press.  In fact, you can actually do it using a mortar and pedstel followed passing the resulting mass through a sieve.

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