
Anyone have job interview tips?

by Guest56843  |  earlier

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Anyone have ANY tips for me? What should I say, what are some sample questions, what should I wear etc?

(The interview is not professional, possible tips for interviews for a grocery store, restaurant etc)




  1. look them in the eye and try never to go ummmmmmmmmmmmmm

    or wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll... wear something that fits the job you are applying for but a little dressier. AND DO NOT BE TIRED

  2. First thing, consider any job you apply for as professional. You should always hold yourself as a professional no matter what job you do.

    If you project a positive attitude that you believe in what you are doing, it will carry you far. (even if it is scubbing floors or dishwashing)

    In retail expect questions about customer service.

    What would you do if a customer was rude?

    What would you do if you didn't know where something was in the store and a customer asked you?

    If it is on a register maybe questions about how would you make change?

    Why do you want to work here?

    Have you ever worked at a job like this?

    Look at what the employees are wearing and dress one step better for the interview. Wear conservitive make-up and hair. Make sure your clothes are clean and neat.

    Maybe a nice skirt and blouse or pant suit. I would avoid jeans, tee shirts, and open toe shoes. If you wear a skirt, wear hose.

    You'll be fine. Good luck

  3. Wear something that is professional and also makes you feel comfortable, don't come off to needy and good luck!  

  4. A Interview a Interview! It doesn't matter where you are going you still have to be professional. Wear dark colors nothing flashy minimum perfume..nothing that is going to bring attention to you. You will be selling yourself and you don't want them to remember what you had on.Most interviews consist of performance based type questions. If a customer said to you....what would you do? Everything is based upon your answers,so smile, be confident, look them in the eye and you'll nail the job! Good Luck!  

  5. All interviews are professional......well at least you should approach it that way.  There's no trick or secret to interviewing.  As long as you're being yourself (the professional you), telling the truth, & have a keen interest in the job that you are applying for, then you should be just fine.

  6. Here are some key things for you:

    1. You should always dress professionally for an interview, regardless of  what type of job it is.

    2. Schedule your time so that you arrive about 10 minutes early.  If something unavoidable happens that will cause you to be late, call and let the interviewer know this. There is nothing worse than showing up late for an interview.

    3. Introduce yourself. Yes, they know who you are, but this is common courtesy when meeting someone for the first time.

    4. Listen to the questions. The biggest mistake people make in an interview is spending so much time trying to sell themselves that they don't pay attention to what is being asked.

    5. Questions that you can ask them are - what the pay rate is, what are the expected work hours, on the job training, what benefits are available.  Don't ask how much vacation you'll be getting, that gives the impression you want to take time off immediately.

    6. Let them know when you are available to start working. If you do have any pre-made plans (i.e., you already paid for a trip) or schedule conflicts (you have a class you're taking), tell them now. They need to know these things up front.

    7. At the end thank the interviewer for their time.

    Good  Luck

  7. Dress neatly (black, navy or khaki slacks, white shirt w/buttons and collar, conservative jewelry), show up 5 minutes before your expected interview time, don't display any tattoos or piercings, speak in complete sentences (avoid "ya know what i mean" and "like..."), look the interviewer in the eye, smile, radiate positive energy (be a Tigger, not an Eyore). If you have a resume, take it with you and be prepared to explain your work history...

    Good luck.

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