
Anyone have lasik or ilasik?

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I'm really thinking about getting it done, but i'm kinda scared (and poor- lol). i have an astigmatism (sp) and currently wear glasses for tv/driving at night & in the rain/when shooting. i've tired contacts a few time, but they never fit my eye right and go blurry ALL the time. i hate wearing glasses and lose them all the time.

my grandfather got it when it first came out and within a few years needed glasses again (but he was at least 70 when he got it done and i know things change with age), but is it worth it? is it painful? is it expensive?




  1. I have not done it but know quite a few people that have and all love it.  It is not painful and can be moderate in price.  Most eye prescriptions can be done without any problems.  Go to a reputable doctor to have it done.  They will give you an eye test and screen you to make sure you are a good candidate.  I wasn't because of thin cornea lenses, so I am stuck with glasses or contacts (I wear contacts and have astigmatisms too).  Your eyes also need to have been stable in terms of prescription for, I believe, 3 years or so.

    It is worth looking into to see if you are a good candidate.  Go for it.

  2. I paid about $1500.00 total.

    BEST money I ever spent!!

    I did not take the little sleeping pill after the surgery... TAKE THAT PILL!!

    I woke-up 6 hours after the procedure and it felt like I had my eyes cut open and they were burned with a laser.

    3 days after the surgery I could see better than 20/20.

    I DID have trouble at night with "Star burst" around bright lights. This went away after a few months.

    I would do it every year for the rest of my life if I could keep my better-than-average vision.- Great thing is: I don't have to.

  3. I had lasik done a little over a year ago and I am so glad I did. I had worn glasses for almost 33 years and now I wonder what took me so long to get it done. It is a little scary but the doctor I had was really great and explained everything the whole way. Each eye took about 2 minutes to do. right after I could see everything crystal clear and the colors seemed brighter. After the numbing meds wore off I about died though. It felt like someone had thrown hot sand in my eyes and I kept asking myself what h*ll did I just do. I went straight home and went to bed only getting up to put the required drops in and by the next morning I was all back to normal. I even drove myself to that mornings appt.

    The cost varies depending on what surgery you require. The place I went to here in Minnesota was LasikPlus and they offer financing if you need it. They also offer a free consultation to see if you are even a candidate for surgery and if you are that's when they will go over what surgery you need and the cost. I will put the link to their website below. On their page you can put in your info and it will tell you the closest office to you. Good luck to you and I hope all goes well for you....

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