
Anyone have party theme ideas for an American citizenship party?

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My father is going to be sworn in as a U.S. citizen next week and we are having an open house/party. Does anybody have any good ideas for party themes/props etc.? Some ideas I've heard so far involve cowboy hats, six shooter cap guns and Neil Diamond. Please let me know if you have any ideas as to other party ideas which have an American or immigrant theme. FWIW, we're from England in case that helps with any ideas.

Thanks for your help and suggestions :)




  1. how about an early version of an american flag as a cake,the  flag that had 13 stars unto it with the # 76 on the blue background. Or our current flag as a cake and have 50 candles representing each state.

  2. I would do a tapas party lots of little appetizers and some drinks and do some from different parts of the world you can make them cheap or expensive just be creative

    I say go to the dollar store and get some platters and go to the library or book store or tvfood and get some ideals

    have fun

  3. I agree with Rae-Rae, but you must add some of those sparklers that they have on the 4th of July.  Or, you can always go with the Thanksgiving theme; that's all about the pilgrims coming to the U.S.

  4. Hi.  I'm planning one for next week.  We're doing an All-American picnic theme with fried chicken, potato salad, corn-on-the-cob, baked beans and Apple pie.  I'm putting a small American flag in the center of the pie.  Also, I'm buying a round cake iced in white and decorated with red/white/blue trim.  In the center of the cake I'm having an edible photo of our new citizen.  I'll put a sparkling candle in the center.  It's a surprise and we'll bring it out at the end, singing "Happy Citizenship to you..."

    The best thing about all this is that we work for Liberty Tax Service in a small town so we already have lots of red/white/blue items, along with Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty costumes, so she thinks it's the end-of-the-year party we normally throw.  I know she's going to be so surprised.  Congrats to your father also.

  5. Make a pinata that looks like the statue of liberty.

  6. Even though it's too soon, I'd go with a 4th of July type theme. Decorate in red, white, and blue. Hang up a flag. Serve all American foods like chips, hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, baked beans, and soda. You can play songs like "Proud to be an American" or "America The Beautiful". Just make it a very patriotic theme. He's an American now so that's the way you should treat it at the party. Hope this helps!

  7. Randy Travis did a song "Point of Light", which President Bush (the father) used at some of his rallys.  Everyone would have lit candles....    Country music would have the most patriotic music, so a country/western/cowboy theme would be good (but not with the guns).  Go to a local store and look at the country CDs ....  Serve fried chicken or bbq ribs;  corn on the cob (only Americans eat that) & baked beans;  big green salads & fruit salad;  corn bread ... and of course, apple pie and ice cream sundaes!  .... Red & white bandanas for napkins;  blue stars confetti sprinkled on the tables .....  CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME!

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