
Anyone have plastic surgery done in the Dominican Republic?

by Guest61104  |  earlier

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What were your results like? What was the cost compared to the US?




  1. don't get face altering surgery, on an island in the Caribbean. It just sounds like a very stupid idea

  2. Great Doctors, most of them studied in the USA or in Europe or Brazil.

    Research first.

    I friend of mine got a Breast Enlargement for RD$100,000 (US$2,900)

    The some of the doctors are:

  3. Well, from what I heard of some of my guests, the surgery over here is one of the best! Now about the price(s) I don't have any idea, but I suppose it is cheaper over here.

    El pinguino

  4. My cousin's wife had breat augmentation and a tummy tuck done in DR. She has 3 kids but now looks like a model. I was impressed with the breast job, they look so real, nice and no scarring whatsoever (yes, she let me see them and touch them). Another friend is down there right now having a liposuction. I am actually thinking about a nose job and tummy tuck myself.  

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