
Anyone have some easy costume ideas?

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The theater camp I am attending does a race/scavenger hunt type thing at the end of the two week camp. We divide into teams and each team comes up with their own "theme" that they all dress up as. I am looking for some ideas for myself and my team members to dress up as. We were looking into being "escaped convicts" and some ones done previously (although we cannot reuse them) have been "deck of cards", "gone country", "nerds", "pirates", "disney princesses", etc. We're all in high school so we're looking for things that are relatively simple to make or find, and inexpensive to buy, yet still original and fun.

All help is greatly appreciated!




  1. Ghosts. You can get ripped clothing or w/e and some white face powder. Or anything.

  2. Here are some funny, inexpensive, and easy costumes:

    Leaf blower: Glue a leaf to a baseball hat so it hangs down in the front. When people ask you what you are...blow on the leaf.

    Ceiling Fan: Write "Go Ceilings!" on the front of your shirt. Add other gear if you want (pom poms, big foam finger, etc.) And don't forget to cheer!

    White Trash: Wear all white, and attach trash (i.e., milk cartons, paper, candy wrappers) all over yourself.

    Babysitter: Strap a baby doll to your behind and sit on it.  

    Nudist on Strike: Dress in normal clothes and carry a sign that says "Nudist on Strike."

  3. Yes, don't show up and tell everyone you went as the invisible man.

  4. Two words...Fairy. Pirates.

    This can work with alot of things. If you take two great classics, like fairies and pirates, and mix them up you usually get something awesome. Fairy convicts, Vampire nerds, Suicidal bunnies etc. The possibilities are endless!

  5. well you could just put a cape on then wher a red shirt and put on some fake teeth\

  6. Be a chain gang! Just like the good ol' days of black and white horizontal lines and chain your legs together!

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