
Anyone have some experience about OVIEDO; Spain? Is it fun, expensive,place to be,...?

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Anyone have some experience about OVIEDO; Spain? Is it fun, expensive,place to be,...?




  1. yes its actually much fun with many places to visit and night life and not particularly expencive. have fun :)

  2. I am from Oviedo (Spain) and it's one of the best cities in Spain. It's clean, not very expensive, you can have excellent and cheap dinners/lunches, and the historic part of the city is very lively at night (specially from Thursday to Saturday). You have many monuments to see, specially the Cathedral where you may also see the "Cloth" that supossedly wore JesusChrist on His head before His resurection. The Cathedral is wonderful. You also have an art museum, lost of churches, the archaeological museum..... and pre-romanic churches and a Sacred Heart on a mountain (you may get by bus) with wonderful sightseeings of the city. I really recommend you to go and if you need more info do not hesitate to contact me!

    I hope this is helpfull.

    All the best!

  3. It is a wonderful very clean place.  Very nice food, and good nightlife.  I've spent all my summers there and it is an enchanting jewel of northern Spain.  The cathedral has plenty of famous relics and it is one of the few cathedrals meade of yellowstone (a wonder).  Make sure you visit the Covadonga crypt and the upper lakes.  just ask like that to any taxi driver.  Altough Covadonga and the lakes are about an hour away it is definitely worth it.

    Good Luck

  4. Yes, don't forget to try the cider. This region of Spain is famous for it. They have cider bars where it is poured from a height by waiters to create the fizz. There is also great food in this area of Spain - the most well-known perhaps is 'fabada', a bean stew. You should also try 'cabrales' cheese - a really strong cheese made in the mountains. Talking of which, try to get up into the mountains near Oviedo. They have some really stunning scenery there and the best thing is you don't bump into very many foreign tourists so you really feel like you're in proper Spain. If you're going in the summer then the beaches on the coast are great too.

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