
Anyone have some facts and figures about the latest Wilkins Ice Shelf collapse in Antarctica?

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  1. This is a natural phenonomen not necessarily related to warming.  Snow builds up in the centre of the continent and ice flows into the sea.

    Bigger ice pieces have been observed breaking off in the past, but nobody worried about them.  This one is going attract a lot of attention due to a complete lack of real evidence of climate change.  The Earth has been cooling in the last 10 years and prediction of wild weather events haven't materialised.

  2. Hmmmm...I noticed that it states that the cause "is" global warming but did you notice the author also quotes "Scambos said the ice shelf has been in place for at least a few hundred years, but warm air and exposure to ocean waves were causing a breakup." That means it was possible that this happened before.  So what makes it normal 700 years ago but now it happens and it is clearly global warming.

  3. does anyone have a general idea of the thickness of the wilkin's ice shelf glacier ?

  4. Looks like you get all kinds of great data from the other posters!!! If you like an article from 2005. Here is the link to The National Snow and Ice Data Center.

  5. Disregard the deniers! They have an agenda to push! If you want more on the ice shelf break up,then check out these articles. I'll put them in order,so you can see the progression of rapid change.  SCARY SHlT!

  6. here is some i found

  7. When will people wise up and accept that this global warming hoax is what it is:

    The high-profile collapse of some Antarctica's ice shelves is likely the result of natural current fluctuations, not global warming, says a leading British expert on polar climates.

    This surprising finding is supported by analysis of data from the European Space Agency's ERS-1 satellite, according to Duncan Wingham, Professor of Climate Physics at University College London. The data, measuring changes in ice thickness across the Antarctic ice sheet using the polar orbiting satellite, show areas of growth from snowfall are as common as areas of decline.

    I wish that I could blame all my mistakes on global warming. I could say that because of the warming, my brain is not working as well as it should be and I forgot to pay the electrics, or phone bill, or take the garbage out, but I won’t. A piece of ice melts over a decade ago and the conspirators are blaming global warming. It nothing but pure RUBBISH, and I am sad to see so many people caught up by this hoax, and not thinking that it might be something else that caused the stupid ice to melt.

    Sorry, now I am done with it. So do think what you will.

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