
Anyone have some fun activities for ages 12 months to 30 months of age?

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I am working with an age group of 12 months to 30 months and looking for circle time activities for about 15 children. Any suggested books to use, craft ideas or basic games





  1. teach them how to clap

  2. alot. You can do yogurt play, make play doh that is eat able, do alot of differnt texture things, music and dance, feet and hand tracing, do vocab exercises with the children, body part games to help the child learn their bodys like hand nose ect, differnt animal noises, take them for walks if they can walk so they may learn to stay in a line,  one of my favorite are

    Zippy Sponge Painting

    What could be better than a contained painting project that will keep your toddler's hands clean! You'll need some Gallon size ziplock bags, a sponge, paper, and kids paint. Put the paper in the bag. Then take a moist sponge and cut it into smaller pieces. Press each piece of sponge into a different color paint and then put them all inside the bag and close it. Then put the bag on the table and let your toddler squish down on the sponges and see how they put the paint on the paper. Let him shake the bag to move the sponges around and squeeze down on them again. Then when he's done take out the paper and let it dry! No mess!!!!

    Supplies Needed-

    - dishwashing sponge

    - paintbrush

    - kids washable paints

    - paper

    also water play and put objects in the water but make sure not to leave the child alone with the water, also toddlers like to tear things up so give them some wrapping paper and let them go at it. good luck!

  3. At that age most kids like to make noise.  Make your own musical interments with them.  Take pots and pans, a shoe box and a spoon, A can with some rice in it to make a maraca.  Anything that makes noise they will enjoy.

  4. I like to use a set of cards that is put out by "Pal".  They are age specific (infant, toddler, preschool) and each card in the deck has a different activity that you can do with your child.  The ideas are very simple kids seem to love them.  I have seen them on Amazon, but I am sure many other toy stores carry them.

  5. Pam, what works well for me are repetitive books that you can make props to. For example we recently did "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and each child got an animal prop, that I made out of the appropriate color craft foam. "There was an old Lady, that swollowed...." is another good one, make a box decorated like the old lady, that they insert the items she swollowed into. They love it.

    Also any kind of fingerplays (our current class favorite is "5 little pumpkins")

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