
Anyone have spare parts for a time machine that they will sell real cheap?

by  |  earlier

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I already have a subatomic defragmenter and I can make myself really small so size doesn't matter. And I have that thing (forget what they call it) that normalizes perpetual motion, so I don't need that either.

Everything else, I need since I am really just getting started, but I don't have a lot of spare money to spend.

Please, only serious answers and don't star this question so all the nuts will notice. I'm not paranoid... I just don't have the time to waste reading answers by people that really don't have any parts to sell.




  1. Ahhh your first time machine! Once you finish it, money will never be an issue again thanks to the miracle of compound interest. I already told you that 20 years from now, but of course you don't immember that.

    Anyhow, as you were successful in your attempt to build your time machine, and went to the future, your problem is solved. See, you being very clever came back from the future and buried the parts you need now in your backyard. So remember to check where you are digging, grab a shovel and go get those parts. Also remember to start an investing account and buy an index fund. Of course you won't do that. You have already forgotten or we wouldn't have to have going to have had that chat! (time travel grammar is confusing!)

  2. im sorry i dont have any of those parts but you can go on ebay and you might be able to get a good deal

    hope i helped! :D

    and if you get it working email me i really wanna use not being funny i REALLY wanna use it

  3. I had everything you are looking for last year. If you go back I will let them go for $10,000 (real cheap) if you print out a history of the NASDAQ stocks for the year forward so I can make a  huge profit.

    I look forward to seeing you a year ago.

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