
Anyone have suggestions for teaching math skills to a 2-year old classroom?

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I feel a bit bored with our current strategies.




  1. don't know many 2-year olds that can do maths anyway..

  2. I taught my little boy when he was 2 and 1/2 with winnie the pooh software, worked great! It was software I purchased on line.  They have a preschool and kindergarten disc to get you started with counting.

  3. Counting and 1 to 1 correspondence:Count throughout the day (calendar, cookies at snack, blocks on the shelf),

    Make numeral collages with number-shaped papers (3 stickers on a numeral 3, 5 cotton balls on a numeral 5, etc)

    Measurement:  Use a tape measure and scale to weigh the children several times throughout the year.

    Use small manipulatives (such as cubic blocks, Duplos, or color bears) to measure objects in the classroom.  How many Duplos long is the table?  How many blocks high is the chair?

    Matching and patterns:  Use purchased or teacher-made cards to play matching games.  I keep the cards turned face-up with the little ones, then turn them over after they get the hang of it for "concentration games".  Make patterns with classroom materials-- color bears, crayons, etc.

  4. Puddles and wings and Grapevine Swings......Google and see what you come up with..put in math and you will find some great ideas...

  5. Counting and recognition of numerals are the most important math skills at this stage.  You may be getting bored (I'm sure I would!) but the repetition is crucial, and as long as you come up with new things to count and activities to help them recognize their numerals, they will be just fine!

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