
Anyone have their first baby in late 20s? Early 30s? ?

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I just had my first baby and Im 26 years old. Almost 27. Although I feel like I needed that extra time to grow all the way up and have some time to figure out who I was as a person, I wonder if it was good to wait so long? I mean, I dont think I would go back and change it. I just wonder sometimes if Im gonna be one of those 'old' moms. Im young now, but I can definetely feel my body getting older. Lol! Anyone else feel this way?




  1. 26 is anything but 'old!'

    Be glad you got your 'younger days' out of the way! Sometimes having a baby younger is even worse!

    Like the 27 yr. old ladies who had their babies at 17, now they're 27 with a 10 yr. old and never got to enjoy their own time and get to enjoy being 'young and free.' .. so they want to be 'young and free' at 27 with a kid in 5th grade! That's not always the best idea either.

    I think it's good to wait ..

  2. Was pregnant with my first at 16, second at 18, and have just had my third at 25.... I believe it's best to wait!

    I haven't been able to live MY life yet, see anything, get an education, or a career... friends disappear to have fun and you're at home with a screaming baby at 17.....

    I don't regret my children. I love them, they're cared for, loved. nourished, educated. But in hindsight I missed a lot of time not growing up properly, I had to grow up overnight.

    My pro for having kids young is when I'm 32 I will have a 16y.o, a 14y.o and a 9y.o ....Nearly ready to travel the world (just me and hubby!!!)

  3. well i am 34 and i too am glad that i took the time to grow up, go to college, learn to be more responsible, etc...not to mention i have 1000 times more patience than i had at 16, 18, or 20..etc....

  4. I had my baby at 27yrs and am now 30yrs I felt that it was a great thing.  I don't allow myself to feel old, I'm game for what ever she wants to do and I have the energy of my 2 1/2 yr old.  Don't think you'll slow down just love every min. of everything.  

  5. What's "old"? It's all in your attitude and how you feel about yourself. I had my first at 21. I met a mom who had her first at 42. Depends on you. Congrats on the new baby.  

  6. Well you're actually 'young' to have a baby these days because the average age is 30.5! I think it's pretty normal to wait a while before having kids and I don't think it's a bad idea considering there's not much time to party with a baby so best to get it out of your system before baby arrives I think!

  7. I had my twin sons when I was 30, so you're definitely not alone!  I was so "on the fence" about whether or not to have children, and, as you mentioned, I truly wouldn't have been ready any earlier than when I did have them.  I had a lot of c**p to sort out from my own childhood in addition to figuring out who I am as a person.  I had no patience, and I knew absolutely nothing about taking care of a child.  I wasn't ready to be selfless yet.  Having twins really sorted THAT out for me!

    My sons will turn 18 when I'm 48, so don't feel so old yourself.  I still feel young, even with a back problem, so we can still have fun even if I end up not being able to run and play.  I'm sure you'll do fine.  Don't worry.

  8. One of those "old moms?" LOL!! ~ That was too funny.. =)~

    I'm in my early 20's and just had my first son, but I had to chime in and say that regardless of how 'old' you think you are (or will be!), your child won't see you any different.

    Age often brings experience and experience brings knowledge -- so with that, you'd definitely have more to offer your child in the realm of learning.

    Younger moms have energy, but its rare to find a few GOOD moms in the younger generation that possess knowledge as well. Most are also still too concerned with themselves to actually give a child the attention, love and support they need.

    So.. be proud! Don't think about or even question age. Keep your head held high and know that this happened for a reason and it'll turn out exactly how it should in the end.

    There are a lot of 'pros' here.. forget about the 'cons'. <3

  9. Hi, you're still very young.

    I am 32 and have just had my 1st baby (though I don't feel 32 and people tell me I look around 25 years old :)

    I didn't even start thinking about having children until I was 28, but it took me another 2 years to meet someone I actually wanted to have children with :) He's 4 years younger than I am, so at least daddy is

    The only thing that bothers me is that I would like to have 4 kids, but I'm not sure it that's realistic for me. Unless I pop them out one after another I guess :D

    Anyway, don't worry. I think you made the right choice. If you have baby's too young, chances are you want to make up for a lost youth later on in life. My mum always said: 'Get everything out of your system before you settle down and start a family. You'll be more level headed, wiser and more patient.'

    I think that was good advise of her, so.....thanks mum! :)

  10. I was 37. No problems at all. Then a 2nd 14 months later, again no problems except exhaustion.

  11. i was 27 when my first was born and its a really good age, then i was 42 with the second. first time round was definately better and no you wont be an 'old mum' by any means.just enjoy it while you can and do lots with your baby.

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