
Anyone have this type of a child?

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I have a 6 year old daughter who is very cautious & gets very anxious when having anything to do with heights or anything that declines. She was on a bigger slide the other day and freaked out because she was afraid to come down and wouldn't even let my husband help her. 2 year olds were easily going up and down. She also freaked out on her teacher as the class was walking down a hill & stopped right in the middle of it and said she couldn't go down anymore. Her teacher had to take her hand and lead her the rest of the way reassuring her the whole time.

Does anyone else have this issue? I'm wondering if it's a perception problem because it has been this way since she was a very small girl. It seems to always be with anything dealing with height. Her two year old sister has no fear at all. She will try to climb on anything she sees.

Thanks for any input.




  1. Take her to a pediatrician, preferably at a children's hospital.  A medical problem is usually the cause of this.  Don't let them tell you it is a mental issue, because IT IS NOT!

  2. Obviously she has a fear of heights.  Stop comparing your daughters, they're not the same person and frankly I think the ones with the issue are the child's parents.  A lot of people have a fear of heights (myself included) that doesn't mean there is anything "wrong" with us.  We just don't like heights.

  3. I don't think it's a perception problem, I think she has a very good concept of "fear" and the unknown.  Most children don't exhibit this characteristic and often fall victim to injury because of a lack of "fear". (ex: drownings,broken bones,burns, etc.)  My son was the same way, but once you teach them how to play "safely", they will be o.k.  Believe it or not, this is not a flaw, it is a great trait to have. It will keep her out of a lot of trouble in the future! She will also make good choices in life. Watch and see!

  4. I'm not an expert, but is sounds like she has a phobia.  Here's some information that may be helpful:

  5. She is simply afraid of heights.  It's very normal, and a large percentage of the population shares this fear (including me).  h**l will freeze over the day I go on a ferris wheel!

  6. I know I'm still young but I think that your daughter is just affraid of Heights. I am (at a small degree) the exact same way. I won't climb up tall hills, a higher flight of steps, etcetera.

    Don't worry, your daughter will be fine, just don't force her to do anything that has to do with heights of some sort. Now if you have to, comfort her when you do. She's just scared.

    Don't worry she's fine :)


  7. My kids are not that way, but I am.  I am generally a rational person, but I am so absolutely terrified of heights that once while in San Francisco when my husband started to drive down a very steep hill I completely panicked and had to have him stop the car.  I can tell you that I was as terrified at that moment, even knowing it was irrational, as someone else would be while being charged by a lion.  

    My kids, on the other hand, have been known to climb trees to heights that scared the life out of me, and my daughter's sport is rock climbing....

    Definitely talk to your pediatrician.  Often severe anxiety can be treated by gradually desensitizing someone to whatever they're afraid of.

  8. Has she ever had a bad fall?  Has she had a lot of ear infections?  Either of these could influence how she feels about heights.  Rule out the medical reasons, then you will know what you are dealing with.

  9. I would take her to get her eyes checked because she may be having depth perception problems.  I never knew my four year old could not see the other cars on the highway until after I got her glasses.  I am thinking maybe your daughter is afraid because she cannot see all that well.  Good luck.  And I just remembered after speaking to my husband that my daughter did not like really tall slides...I had forgotten about that.  Again, good luck.

  10. Have her depth perception checked and have her tested for vertigo.

  11. ummm personally ide have to disagree with the first person because it sounds like she just scared of heights but a little more than most people

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