
Anyone have tips for overhand serving in volleyball?

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Anyone have tips for overhand serving in volleyball?




  1. I prefer top spin overhand serve. when you toss the ball flick it with your finger tips and a little behind you. Put some good speed on it and can also confuse the defense

  2. uhhh sure. there are many many many dif. types of serves, just to list a few-

    *float serve (most popular)

    *jump serve

    *baby jump serve

    *underhand (ew.)

    *Jump float

    *top spin serve

    *Round house serve

    Im not sure at what level of play your at-but Im going for asked about an overhand serve, ok.

    1.stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

    2.if your a righty, keep your left foot a bit above your left (vice versa if your a lefty)

    3. toss the ball with your opposite serving hand.

    4.the toss is very important, it majorly affects the serve. reach up with your opposite serving hand as high as you can-you toss should be a little above your fingertips.

    5.After the toss arch your back just a little the ball with yor palm flat

    7. follow through.

    those are the basics, it gets more complicated the better you get.

    other TIPS


    1.don't step over the line lol.

    2.make sure you hit the ball with only your palm.

    3.its always helpful for me to close my eyes before I serve and Imagine me doing the best serve. then do it.

    4.most people dribble the ball before they serve-this helps your hand get used to smacking the ball hard.

    5.uhhh have fun?!

  3. stand back as far as you think you can from court and hit the ball as hard as you can into the middle of need to build up confidence in your serve ..comes from practice and knowing how far and how hard to hit

  4. First, before you actually start serving, make sure your tosses are going where you need them to be (in front of your right foot). Then, try to meet the ball low, but not too low. When you push your hand out, you should have your hand right above the net (from where you are standing)

  5. Just keep practicing

  6. I have no tips really just something to add on to other answers. Try not to over think your serves. Your body becomes robotic when you think first do this then do that and follow through with this. What worked for me is to try to remain natural and fluid in my motions, so that from toss to contact the only thing I'm thinking of is placement. If you try to concentrate on every little turn and what muscle should move when it will detract from your service game and cause you to over think the serve.

  7. 2 practice....serve up against a wall or start by spiking up near the net the keep wrking ur way back...........

    Throw it up high & hit w/ ur palm.


  9. First practice your tosses. You want them to be high but not too high. If ur really tall ur gonna have to throw higher. once u get ur tosses down try trapping the ball. Trapping is when you throw the ball up in the air as if u were gonna serve it and u hit the ball with ur palm or ur fist if ur using closed fist (i think open is much easier) at the highest point u can reach without jumping and trap the other side of the ball wth ur left hand (thats if ur right handed) once u get that down just try hitting the ball. Dont forget to step when u serve or rock on ur feet. Also hit the ball hard and remeber to follow through straight or else the ball will go sideways!

  10. Start a few feet from behind the serving line, because it is really bad if you start stepping over the line.  Ok, so toss the ball like a few feet in the air in front of you, and bring your serving arm back like a bow and arrow.  When the ball is at your highes reaching point, they shoot you arm forward hard with a tight wrist as you step forward.  Hope that helps, :D

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