
Anyone have to file financial aid appeal for maximum hours?

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i returned back to school after 10 years and i have been in school for 2 semister now. I have 3 semisters left. but this semister my financial aid is on satisfactory hold due to too many hours, since i transfered in hours from my AA degree 10 years ago. so now they say i have to appeal it. Has anyone had experience with this? Am I not going to qualify for any financial aid, grants, loans or scholarships? How can they cap a returning student to better herself? Please help.




  1. It sounds like you have too many attempted hours. You are limited to 150% of the hours needed to complete your degree.  So, if you are at a university, and are working towards your bachelors degree you likely have over 160 attempted hours.... well beyond the 120 or so needed for a bachelors degree.  

    Are you sure you don't have enough to graduate with a bachelor's degree?  160 hours is a LOT of hours!  Even transferring in with an associates degree (a 60 hour program) would keep you WELL under the limit of 160 hours.  Either you changed you took a bunch of classes you didn't need, changed your major a bunch, or dropped a tons  of classes without getting credit for them.  

    In your letter, explain which of these (or all of them) occured and be sure to detail how quickly you plan to get your degree.. even outlining how many semesters and which classes you will still need to take.  This way they know you have a plan and they know you can accomplish your goal.

    If you do not appeal (or they deny your appeal) your financia aid, you are correct in assuming they will no longer give you any federal fin aid (Loans and grants).  

    Good Luck


    GROAN: Yes, they might approve your appeal.  You will never know unless you try.  However, a paralegal licence.. and a 3rd AA degree?  Three AA degrees is about as useful as three high school diplomas.  You are suppose to go UP in your education endevors.. not across.  Are you sure you will be able to get a job as a paralegal?  If it's a for profit school, you might have trouble.

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