
Anyone having problems with the 3 network at the mo?

by  |  earlier

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my phone keeps cutting people off saying connection error. just wondered if anyone else is having trouble west midlands




  1. I'm in Birmingham, don't seem to have any problems with it here.

  2. not in west mids but near salisbury i get that error all the time, might have to change network at end of contract but next best signal here is 02 and that is really erratic.

    Don't try to complain to customer services by phone, send a letter, call centres are in india and only discovered english language a few weeks ago.

  3. there are 3 people in our house on 3 and we r having no trouble all i can suggest is to take the battery out for 30 secs then try again hope this helps

  4. I am on 3 network too - have been for the past 18months.

    I am really happy with them because they are always so helpful (brilliant customer service) and I can check the internet, watch the news on tv on my mobile! as well as call and text of course. I also have the radio, games etc... I can't live without this jewel.

    HOWEVER, whoever I talk about 3 network with says that their network coverage is not perfect - some even say they will leave them at the end of their contract if they haven't yet.

    Personally, I find 3 is all right, not better not worth than T-mobile which is the only other network I have tried sofar.

    With 3 network, there was no coverage in the Lake District (but that would be the same with any network in that area), but I have used my phone abroad (France, Belgium) and all was ok.

    It depends where you are I suppose?

    But you are right, their network coverage wasn't good at first, let's hope it can only improve.  

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