
Anyone having problems with their 3 year old???

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What types of problems do you have or have had with a 3 year old? Mine is an only child, such a happy nice girl. Her little cousins have been around a lot lately and she's suddenly changed into a little mean girl. Doesn't wanna share her toys, every time they're around she guards her favorite toys so no one can touch them. She yells at them a lot. All I hear from her is "NO! Don't touch!" or crying and throwing huge fits when she see's them using her things. When they're not around her she talks to me about what is "her's" and how she doesn't want her cousins touching them. What's the deal? She definitely gets disciplined, and I've kept at it for the past few months now, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. Is this "Only Child" syndrome?




  1. i have never come across a child that isn't like that at one time or another only child or not, don't worry about it just keep doing what you are doing and keep encouraging her to share and eventually she'll get the message it just takes time and patience

  2. If I had friends over and they used my computer, and looked at my private files, or used my mobile phone or went to my kitchen and decided to help themselves to my food, or turned on my TV and decided what THEY wanted to watch, or rifled through my belongings and decided to use whatever they wanted, or decided to use my car  -  well I would be MAD.  So really if  you think about it it is the same thing for your daughter.  You wouldn't expect to share all your personal belongings, so why should she.  Children's toys are their belongings after all.  So I would suggest that you let her have some toys that she can keep just for herself and others that she needs to share.  Let her choose which will be her 'special' toys and put them away when she has friends over.  The rest she shares.  But she must understand that she cannot play with the favourite toys herself when the friends are over, unless she intends to share them.  I used to do this with my son after he got upset over friends breaking his toys. Which did use to happen quite often.  He was always happy to share his unfavourite toys and leave the favourites in the cupboard.

  3. Actually sounds like pretty typical toddler behavior to me...most kids just start that stuff a lot younger...that's why they call them the "terrible twos"!  Keep firm, consistent and loving discipline and this too shall pass.  As I am sure you know, rationalizing with a three year old won't help, as they aren't rational beings yet!

    Best to you.

  4. AAAWWwwww how sweet she is a normal little girl. Just don't alow bad behavure. 3 is worse than 2 for more than one reason.

  5. To some extent it may be the only child factor, but also she is still of an age where everything is hers.  As much as we like to push sharing, kids don't grow out of that until they are like 7 y.o.

    Maybe sit with her before the cousins come over and let her pick her most special toys so that the others will not play with them (limit it to 5 if the whole room goes into the the 'special box'.  If those toys are not there then she won't have to yell so much!  

    My children have problem sharing their toys at home because we rarely have others over.  I am inviting more over to help them deal with sharing their own things, not just other kids toys.

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