
Anyone hear McCain admit that the Bush administration is corrupt last night?

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It was a pretty good speech. I must admit.

Too bad you all in the Republican party didn't choose him in 2000 over the monkey, twice.




  1. Yes, the world heard mccain admit that the bush administration is corrupt.

    So why did john accept dumbya's endorsement?

  2. Yes, I did. He didn't mention the treason though. Perhaps he still hopes for White House involvement in his campaign. I mean, as a former POW he certainly cannot condone the intentional exposure of CIA operatives. Can he ?  

  3. Yes, he sure alluded to it and failed to mention Bush or Cheney by name, 1 time during his speech last night.

    If he ashamed to be a Republican, he should drop himself from the ticket and run under another party.  Otherwise, suck it up and realize that he is just a twin of Dubya and do the best he can to win.

    And yes, I supported John McCain in 2000 over Dubya, but not now, I can't tell the difference between the two anymore.

  4. Will you vote for him?'ll be glad you did! lol

  5. McCain has maintained his stance on the Bush administration for a lot longer than one night.  This is not news.

  6. I would have voted for him over the monkey in 2000.  Not now though since he largely disagrees with himself from those days.

  7. I thought it was better than the Palin speech which was full of attack ads and light on actual substance. The problem with the speech was that he was claiming he was an agent of change but all I heard the whole RNC was the same old BS rhetoric.  

  8. I missed the corruption part too. Must be the democrats have a corner on the corruption market. Ask democratic mayor of Detroit Quami Kilpatrick about that one. You democrats have such a great sense of humor.

  9. Yes, I thought it was a d**n good speech! Well, I don't think he said that,, he said Washington establishment is....

  10. NO


    But it won't surprise me any


    The mud fling does get out of hand sometimes you know


    And for someone like McCain to so something like this when in a speech wouldn't shock me any


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