
Anyone heard about montauk project and philadelphia experiment?

by Guest32208  |  earlier

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and do you think its true or they are all making it up?




  1. The boat that was used in the Philadelphia experiment is now in my country (Greece).People say that it still has many cabins locked and sealed..

  2. There is evidence on either side of each.  I personally think that there could have been experiements that our Govt. has carried out and still do today that might not have worked out just like they thought it would.

  3. I know all about montauk point and the time displacement experiments.Its all true and its very top secret.

  4. Project Montauk does not appear by that name in any government records. However, Project Rainbow (the Philadelphia Experiment) does in fact appear in declassified records in fairly vague detail. The project was officially abandoned because it was ineffective. However, an author (the one who calls it Montauk) claims that it was abandoned because it was dangerous.

    The problems with those who support the Montauk argument are these:

    1) No officers aboard any of the vessels appear in military death records as dying from anything but either exposure to the intense EMF, combat-related injuries, or natural causes (e.g., old age).

    2) Ships have been shown to be able to traverse the distances claimed without the need for going through the open sea, and so the claim of teleportation is unsubstantiated at best (and at worst, a complete fabrication).

    3) Classified records from the time will be completely declassified after 75 years--no higher level of classification currently exists.

    4) No other electromagnetic phenomena has ever come close to claiming anything remotely provable like this, and if it was possible then we would have commonplace rumors of government teleporters.

    5) It just doesn't work any other way, as evidenced by Area 51, Watergate, and warrantless wiretaps.

    And now for the problems with Project Rainbow:

    1) It was vaguely-worded, incomplete reporting.

    2) It describes perfectly the effects of electromagnetic sensitivity, while eliminating any actual data.

    3) Electromagnets would not repel magnetic mines, because of several laws of conservation.

    4) Small-scale tests failed miserably, so they went ahead with a large-scale test? Sounds fishy to me.

    5) No actual authorizations were given by the government to conduct the experiments in Philadelphia.

    These issues abound with most conspiracy theories, in that clear reasoning and logic are swept aside because of fear of what might or might not be true. This also works for Presidential campaigns.

  5. I've heard of the Philadelphia experiment.  It's fiction.  Here's more on that:

    I have never heard of the Montauk Project.

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