
Anyone heard any news on the OUTRAGEOUS gas prices??

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I live in a semi small town by Lawrence, Kansas-- and right today gas went up ANOTHER 10 cents to 3.46 a gallon!! its so feakin outrageous.. i dont make enough money to even afford it to speak of with all my other bills to pay for (just 18, getting ready to go to college).. but seriously, its crazy- i was doing some math and from when my sister was born in 1985 to about 2001 the gas price only rose like 80 cents in ALL THOSE years.. now its raised nearly 1.50 in the past year. So has anyone heard any news on gas prices.. are they going up, down, sideways-- ??




  1. we pay about €1.20 per liter.........

  2. In my area, a big city (can't tell where) it is really close to $4

  3. don't worry. i have a gut feeling that they will be going down very soon. just hold on there. good luck.

  4. In another week it will be $4.00 a gallon, and then by July expect it to be $5.00, then it should level off at $6.00 by Labor Day.

    Going into next summer it should hit $8.00 a gallon.

  5. we talked about this in our economics class. and the gas companies are ripping us off

    the prices are going up in the right kind of proportitions as they used to go

    the people who own the gas companies are just money hungry

    so why dont we just get our oil from alaska, so we dont have to pay so much????

  6. i live in connecticut and the cheapest gas station around me is 3.65. it has been said that gas prices will raise to around $5 within the next few months

  7. read a article this morning ..gas prices reach another high record and are going to cont. raising...HELP!  seriously food prices are getting high too!

  8. im not sure, but they are outrageous. I live in southern california, and regular unleaded is 3.89. And premium is over 4.00. And in Baghdad its only .50 cents per gallon. How rediculous is that!

  9. It is outragous, but don't forget about inflation. Also, the devaluing of the dollar makes everything seem more expensive.

  10. Europe pays twice as much, you have been lucky so far

  11. The DEMOCRATS promised us CHANGE when they took control of Congress and the Senate in Jan of 2007.  Both Reid and Pelosi are preoccupied with Global Warming and AIDS in Africa.  Besides, the Goof Ball Al Gore another Progressive from h**l,  suggested that Americans were driving to much and were the blame for Global Warming.  Al Gore wanted legislation in Punishment TAXES to raise the cost of GAS to 5.00 dollars a gallon back in 2000.  There is your cause and the solution is to kick out all Global Warming Cult members from Congress.  John McCain for President.

  12. Here in the UK I pay £1.15 a litre for diesel

    Today's exchange rate is...UK£ 1.15 = 2.29241 US$

    There is approx 5 litres in a gallon which makes it the equivalent of $11.46 a gallon

    The cost of fuel is rising the world over and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better... least 85% of the cost of our fuel is tax!

  13. They are definitely going up especially for the summer!! I have seen it on CBS, Gasoline prices typically rise in the spring as stations switch over to pricier summer-grade fuel and demand picks up as more travelers take to the road.

    But this year prices are rising even faster than normal, experts say, because of the massive jump in benchmark crude prices, which spiked to a record $117.76 a barrel Monday before settling a record settlement price of $117.48 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, up 79 cents from the previous close. It was the sixth day in a row prices set new records

  14. The USA has oil in Oklahoma,Texas,pennsylvania and Arkansas.The fact is Bush is an oil man that is why it is like this.He is on his way out.Hilliary clinton may be better at least with the Clintons the economy was far better.Mccain? No way! He is a loose cannon that will drag us into more war.

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