
Anyone heard anymore on that couple that got married before they found out they were brother and sister?

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What a shock that must have been. How did they eventually find out? Surely they would have had s*x during their relationship and what if she had gotten pregnant? Who would be responsible for that? This is why children should be told if they are adopted or artificially conceived, it's their birthrite. I hope they are getting some good counselling, can you imagine falling in love with someone and finally getting married only to find out it's your sibling!! Shock horror.




  1. This is what terrifies me about closed records. I mean for gods sake my child could have met  a cousin her age (and she has some) and could have fallen in love and then what? How awful for these two to be told that their love is forbidden by law and as far as ethics and morality can you imagine how they must feel?

  2. No, haven't heard anything else.  I really want to know how they suddenly found out they were twins after they were happily married.  Don't you think bells would go off in your head if you met someone else who was adopted, both had the same birthday, almost same time of birth, born in same hospital...

    I would love that this story brings attention and reform to adoption.  However, I suspect that what we are going to hear about is a multi-million dollar law suit against whoever arranged the adoptions.  I hope I am wrong!

  3. It was a couple in the UK and the story was reported by a pol trying to get open adoption legislation passed through Parliament.  Lets just say I am not so eager to believe that I am willing to take what a pol says as fact without a lot of supporting evidence.

    With all the illegitimate kids being born these days half siblings are at high risk of not knowing they are related.  Will DNA tests become mandatory?

  4. They were twins,and apparently they would have been drawn together as they shared a womb.i don't think we will find out much info about the situation,but it just goes to show how important it is to keep everything open.neither of the twins aparents told them they were adopted!.

  5. I have not heard anything since about them. I feel so bad, I can only imagine. Well atleast now they know and they don't have to bother searching for siblings :s

    They were twins and I believe they found out because they had to have blood tests done to legalise the marrage (that is true for the US isn't it?)

    I think all sperm/egg donors need to give their names and that it needs to be put on record to prevent this sort of thing because so many children are concieved by IVF and donars now, that come another 15-20 years there is going to be a rash of these cases. People are going to be afriad to get into a relationship without first asking who parents are and how they were concieved and running tests.

    I remember when I was in highschool I met a guy who recently moved to town we really liked eachother, got along great, everything was dandy, well a week in his mother comes home (thank GOD nothing had happen more than just hanging out) and says my god you look so familier and asked who my parents were. Well Turns out we were 2nd cousins. That turned us off well enough.  I can only imagine if I got into a relationship with a brother.

  6. Turns out she is preggers and George Dubya is preforming the abortion himself.

  7. I heard of that story.  I just can't imagine what that couple must be thinking!   I agree about your statement about adopted or a.i. children knowing their birthrite.

  8. I haven't heard anything about it, but doesn't that scare the c**p out of you when you think of sperm donation. You could marry you're brother, cousin or if you like older men, father or uncle, there are May/December marriages. Ashton and Demi for one. Technology isn't always for the best. Sometimes its best to leave the really big stuff to God and let Him take care of business.

  9. Yeah I heard about that but no details. Hopefully someone comes up with an article or something.

  10. This is an example of why we should also have the names of egg and sperm donors on the birth certificates now.

    Lots more of this creepy c**p will be happening with all of the frakenscience invitro stuff so popular.

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