A pool hall that I recently started going to on a regular basis has started an on going "45 Ball Runout" until the 28th of this month. The owner made a triangle rack to hold three sets of 8-ball balls. It is beilng played on a 9 foot table. The rules are very simple: one ball in hand after the break, ball in hand must be taken if no balls fall on the break shot, all balls that fall on the break are void from score if you scratch on the break, use the cue ball to shoot any ball in any pocket, shoot until you miss or scratch, ball in hand must be used before you miss or scratch. Each try is $3.00 ($2 goes to the Pot and $1 goes to the House) On the 28th the person with the highest single try score wins the pot. Sounds easy? I have been playing for 15 years and can't seem to get past 7 balls. Anyone have any advice or strategies?