
Anyone heard of bombs placed in skyscrapers programmed to implode it before it falls over many city blocks?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard that they install these detonators and and set them to blow and implode a building before it topples over many many many blocks. The buildings sway but if they sway over a certain point - KABOOM!!





  1. PLEASE try very hard, do anything you have to do. NOT TO BE SO STUPID

  2. Not true.

  3. the explosives are placed on the supporting beams on every floor.the explosives affectively "cut" the support beams but not all at's a chain reaction either from top to bottom or bottom to top.the net result is that the building falls straight down much like the twin towers did.

  4. The conspiracy theorist just cannot grasp that the Twin Towers went down because TERRORISTS FLEW FULLY FUELED HEAVY AIRCRAFT INTO THEM!  

    But seriously, if you keep your little tin-foil hat on your head, the bombs won't detonate.

    EDIT:  buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes and winds.  Structural Engineers put a lot of effort into their designs to ensure that.

  5. Nonsense.  If you are blowing up a building, you want it to fall in upon itself so that it doesn't damage the surroundings.

  6. not true

    if it blew up it would not acuse the building to implode, just make it fly into a million pieces to land on a city block

    depending on the size of the explosion

    plus, no one is dumb enough to place bombs in buildings, no one is even that despereate,

    i mean

    wat if one accidentally went off?

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