
Anyone heard of the herb Salvia?

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I keep hearing about this herb Salvia and how dangerous it is, but its legal. Anyone heard of this or know of someone who did, its scary that people can get their hands on this, especially teenagers. Its causes hallusinations.( sp?)




  1. they sell it at head shops. i smoked it and started crying like a baby. it only last a few minutes. and its not bad, but i prefer the real stuff.

  2. .....What?  The only danger that could come with it are in its trip...that is, if you actually achieve a decent trip, which commonly, doesn't happen.  All hallucinogens can be dangerous...

  3. In some states there starting to make it illegal, like Ohio where I live.

    I've heard from two people who tried it one said it just makes you feel good for 10 minutes the other person said she saw Mario and whole bunch of stuff.

    My Opinion it costs too much money and is not worth it, I mean illegal drugs are usually cheaper.

  4. Salvia is the general group of "sage" plants ... garden sage, and ornamentals.

    "Salvia divinorum" is one that is also a hallucinogen.

    Not toxic!  It's really one of the safer hallucinogens around, as long as someone doesn't try boosting it with somethig stupid.

  5. Salvia divinorum is native to Mexico and is grown there quite legally. It can be smoked, chewed, and even brewed into a refreshing tea. It is reportedly stronger than marijuana and has effects similar to LCD and PCP. The interesting part? Salvia is entirely legal in most U.S. states.

    But the legality that the hallucinogen enjoys is being threatened on a grand scale with more and more state legislators seeing its banning as the source of valuable political points. Salvia’s effects last for little over an hour and it is not known to have ever caused any deaths. It does impair judgment and driving ability, though.

  6. yes but i prefer DMT

  7. Salvia is used as a natural sweetener.  I've never heard it being a poisonous plant before.

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