
Anyone heard of the teeth whitening product, celebrity s**y teeth?

by  |  earlier

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I want to try some at home product for teeth whitening, any suggestions??




  1. Those don't work usually.

    Get them lazored.

    Its a chunk of cash, but by the time you spend all that money trying home products, you could of already got them lazored.


  2. colgate tooth paste with bakin soda and peroxide bubbles ~!

    best whitening toothpaste ive ever used

    hope i helped

    good luck !

  3. crest is a pretty good brand.. but rembrandt brand is the best by far.

    or if you want to go above and beyond, just get your teeth whitened by your dentist.. its pretty quick and for the first day after it is recommended that you just eat white foods

    hope that somewhat helped



    i haven't tried it, but it looks pretty good. i used crest whitestrips, but it makes your teeth sooosensitivee. this vibrant white pen supposedly doesn't. i think i'll try this in a year or two.

  6. yes but you cant make it yourself. its like this pen, but its like 75 dollars for the pen, but its the best one out there.

  7. Crest White Strips! I use them and I always get complimented on my white teeth : )  They're only about $30 a box where I live, but trust me they are worth it. Movie Star smile in no time!

  8. This is the bogus one on the anonomyous home page with no name for the author?

    Generally the best whitening products have direct contact with the teeth for a length of time (30-60 minutes)

    This one you only dab on......I doubt the effectivness....

    The best results are those take home trays at the dental offices.....or the in-office procedures both run $200 and up....but you are going for effective

    Over the counter....look for trays or strips that contact the teeth for a period of time....with a higher concentration of the active ingredient....

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