
Anyone help me, a paranormal exp., been going on, clothes manifesting in my dryer,not washer,nor hamper,?

by  |  earlier

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There is 'alot' going on and has been around me & kids for so long we're getting detensitized [?] Because let's say all that goes on can some how be explained away...This CANNOT. I've never caught the items in my hamper to my washer,from washer to dryer.Only out of the dryer.Items found & kept...old man's like yardwork coveralls,tag inside was yellow from aging.a black leather biker stlye vest,3 or more babay socks,an Albertson's employee shirt SIZED xxxlg!,several size 4 to 7 boys tees ''all'' w/a city or state on them like souvenier tees,a girl's pretty new black w/pink trim Las Vegas tee, this one's crazy-a pair of Old Navy drawstring khaki pant in 'MY'size,which by the way is a 9/10.At least over the years about 8 adult tees 'ALL' of these have the company of a chemical plant's and/or the contractor's name. Whew!!! Other items becoming nuisance are keys,keys,keys. I've had the usual stovetop found on warm,finding pennies,then it was quarters,my son liked the quarters,he made 10$rso




  1. Your claim is that your laundry appliances teleport random clothing?

    Um, OK.

  2. I know exactly what you mean ... a poltergeist sometimes places a pen in our dryer ruining a lot of clothes.

    What a comedian of a spirit.

  3. Its not good to label everything that is weird paranormal, sometimes they can be debunked by simple things... but if you think it is paranormal try the followingsince your in a situation:

    E.V.P. is another way of communicating with spirits ..... here is the list of E.V.P. questions we tend to use most of the time , we sometimes ask more but heres some basic :

    *TO Do an E.V.P. Session or recording session 101*

    ----Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP): An EVP is the attempt to capture a ghost or spirits voice on audio recording tapes. Typically there is no voice heard to the people present at the recording but after playing back the tapes there are sometimes strange voice recordings.

    what we do is explain what a recorder is

    *Please speak loudly into the device with the red dot on it, it helps us hear your voice.*

    - we usually record for like 15 - 20 mins. a session and give about 15- 40 secs in between each question we ask :)

    It takes time for them to reply, their voice isn’t as quick as ours in replying.

    Ask Questions with a digital recorder like :

    1. Is any one here.

    2. Is there any one who would like to make their presence known?

    3. Can you give us a sign your here.

    4. Can you give us a sign your here by making a noise or moving some thing.

    5. What is your age or how old are you?

    6. What year is it or do you know what year it is?

    7. Can we help you?

    8. Do you need help?

    9. Are you lost?

    10. Are you upset we’re here?

    11. Would you like us to leave?

    12. Are you upset the home owners are here.

    13. Is this your home / business?

    14. If you have any thing to say speak loudly into the tape recorder. (Explain what the tape recorder is).

    15. We’re here to try and help you; we’re not here to harm you. Please let us know what we can do.

    you can also bring a 3 mega pixel camera or lower usually the higher the mega pixel drowns out spirit formation and may cause Matrixes *which is what many people Misinterpret certain things in photos to be evidence of paranormal*

    after you do that with the photos and E.V.P.s i have programs where i can analyze them for you :) you can email me privately again for this just attach them....

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

    Email me for further questions :)

    PS: But i highly reccomending trying to think whats possible you have kids could they have done it?

    are they trying to prank your or hide something some thoughts :)

  4. OMG! thats where everything we loose in our dryers go, into yours!!! ive heard about this, but never could find much about it, but there is something about where your house is, that attracts these objects... have you found my usb drive by any chance?

    i have heard of only one similar experience so far, take a look-;...

    i particularly like the second to last answer as you explaination

  5. you need to look for a logical reason for this first can someone enter your home and do these things is the machines in your home or your garage I must confess it is very interesting in 16 years of paranormal investigating I have not come accross this could you give more info there are alot of good people in this forum who would be glad to help or we can find a team to help you please feel free to get in touch with us

  6. On the news not long ago, they caught a homeless man doing his laundry in a lady's house..I think she was an elderly lady. They arrested him. I can't remember if she ran him out of the house or what. Seems like it was funny.

    Are you having any work done on your house? Could your neighbor be using it and not telling you (or a friend of theirs)? They might be leaving the quarters for the laundry.It takes lots of quarters to use the laundry mat. Maybe they think You're the neighborhood laundry mat! (Or they're MAKING you the laundry mat.) I really don't think it's paranormal. However, a spirit might be telling someone that you wouldn't mind if they did their laundry at your house and that you might even do it FOR them.I really would get a camera if I were you. Maybe the police could help you out with one. They probably have lots of them at the police station they use in situations like this. Be safe!

  7. Clothes do not 'manifest', if you really believe this is happening you should speak to your doctor about it as a lack of sanity may be a an issue for you.


    If you are looking for help on a paranormal issue you should try the TAPS forums there are a lot of good people there willing to help you resolve your issue... from what I have learned there so far Your best bet is to get audio video or photo evidence and contact a local investigation group from your area or close by that could agree to meet you then they would investigate the house and if there was no explanation other than paranormal you would be given the opportunity to resolve the issue or at least be given information and or contacts on helping you resolve the issue... good luck hope to see you in the forums!!!

  9. I'm trying to understand your question....

    So you're saying each time you do your laundry, you've been finding things that does not belong to you that comes out from the dryer?  From what you have described, it is pretty strange.  The dryer, I'm assuming it's in your home not at the laundry mat where others could have snuck some items in when you're not looking.

    There are tons of questions I'd like to ask you....Come to this site and perhaps my team members and myself can figure out something.  The link is below....

  10. You're saying that you just find clothes in your dryer, and none of them belong to you or your family??? Can you please e-mail me, I'll see if I can help.

  11. You should put some of those items up on e-bay as items returned from beyond, could make some money from them. Seems like your dryer is on the other end of a dimensional vortex, kind of like the Bermuda triangle of laundromats.

    Seriously, if you don't have a theiving monkey as a pet who is using the dryer as a hiding place, then you do have something strange going on - if you can set up a video camera to tape the dryer during the most obvious time that things "seem" to appear you might catch something. It might not be something paranormal after all.

  12. Maybe you can put in cameras to monitor anything strange that happens.

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