
Anyone help with a good site for info on toddler/ 2nd yr development?

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my 2 1/2 yr old grandson is not talking, but does seem to have good comprehension.




  1. Have you looked into speech therapy? He's under 3 so you should be able to get an assessment from the school for your states Early Steps program for free. Call the school board in your county and ask about it. You may also want to talk to his Dr about a referral to the outpatient rehab center for the hospital he's connected with. A lot of time those have speech therapists that can give him the assessment. If he is on the state Medicaid program he can get the therapies at no cost to mom. Please start looking into them!

  2. This is a website that my brother used to do.


    This is a great website that will get your grandson talking

  3. This is a great site with tons of resources related to young children. Here is the direct link to the stages of emotional, social and physical development for a 2 year old.  

    They have the stages for a 3 year also...I've added the link to that one too if you want to know what should be expected! Good luck.  Here is the link:

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