
Anyone here date an only child?? ?

by  |  earlier

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I do and he can be so selfish and inconsiderate. If I say something he doesn't agree with, he's all telling me that I need to understand that he's not like this or he's not like that. Why can't, for once, he understand that I am like this or I am like that???? Probably doesn't make any sense to you, but I'm sick and tired of being the one that has to keep on understanding when he doesn't ever!




  1. I dated an only child and married him. Trust me, they are selfish and don't change. He was the same exact way, and never quit being selfish. Not only that, he bacame very controlling, and became abusive over time. So if you can accept him EXACTLY the way he is forever, stay with him, if not, I would be backing out of this relationship and fast. You deserve to be treated how you expect to be treated!


  2. Cant really answer your question because I have never dated and only child. But I have dated a twin, and that was a road I will never take again.

    I wish you luck and hope everything works out for you....

        P.S.   You should find someone who treats you better no matter why he behaves that way because the is no excuse for it..

  3. Dated an only child.  It was not a good experience.

  4. Yeah. Not my most recent ex, but the one before that was an only child for the most part of our relationship. Then his Mom and Dad had another kid, but he was really selfish. They think that everyone is supposed to care about every little thing that they do. It gets annoying really fast.  

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