
Anyone here ever went from having no hope, joy, or optimism about the future to discovering joy?pls share?

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I feel like a cosmic force is working to hurt me. I want to feel that life i meaningful. ut dail I am just befudled by the fact that we are even here.

I want to feel hope. HAs anyone went from misery to finding contentment? Please share.




  1. when i was really depressed... my answer was god family and love.... but when love wasnt there i looked at the two other options.... but to u maybe all u have to do is just look really hard and try to look at the positive things in life

    mayb ppl put u in that position because god wants u to be a better person. I mean im not forcing u to believe in god because in my own experience god listens... and he helped me through a lot. I found my happiness through ppl and things that i care about. I found joy to the little things why we are alive and how we are better than most ppl in the world. I noticed that a million ppl are starving and we are lucky we are eating and we have internet. while some1 out there dont even have food to drink. If u focus all ur energy into things that are good then u feel better and look at life better which make u rethink about urself and what made u urself.

  2. Yes, I have experienced this lots of time. Feeling hopeless and then suddenly discovering that there is so much hope.

    It is horrible to see how people give up. A friend of mine lost his son 5 days ago as the son committed suicide. 19 years young and having "love" difficulties. It is tragic to see how people believe that there is no hope if life seems dark. There is indeed always and ever hope there, as God is LOVE.

    If the suffering is the greatest his help is the nearest!

    People should just never give up. There is always help and hope there, even if you feel there is not.

  3. I don't think it's possible to find happiness that quickly. Falling in love sometimes puts us into a quick euphoria, but I don't believe that solves the kinds of problems you're talking about, except in certain circumstances.

    The key to happiness is in finding out what makes you happy and seeking it out. I'm not talking about choosing a goal you want to attain, although that is important too. I'm talking about finding the things you can do in a day that make you feel like the day was worthwhile, and trying to do those things as much as you can.

  4. This question speaks to the most important aspect of my life. I have spent most of my time on this planet a pessimist and at one point thought myself to be a nihilist. Misery is perhaps to weak of a word to describe what I felt. I have never had a strong religious background, leaving me in a state of using philosophy to content myself. My mindset drew me to existentialism and the absurd nature of the world. All of this I still believe. I find no signifagance to my existence and I believe that my reality is absurd. But I can honestly say I am content and fufilled. I realized that it wasn't a lack of profound meaning that made me feel misery, but rather my quest for it. We often search for fufillment from things of a material nature. We never learn to appreciate the moment we are living in NOW. It is always "if I just had a new car, job, money, etc" It is a cycle of want that is never ending. You have to recognize that these things don't give your life meaning. You do. Make of life what you will. What do you have to lose? The principles of Buddhism and Camus' The myth of Sisyphus gave me perspective that has truly transformed my existence. I wish you the best...

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