
Anyone here go to Easingwold school? If not i have another question anyway.?

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I'm going into year 10 in 2 weeks and I'm nervous as h**l, all the classes are being changed round so chances are I'm gonna be with nobody i know, and i start doing GCSE's. I act pretty emotionless at school but I'm ******* terrified, can someone please tell me how to calm down? If you go to the school what year/form are you in?




  1. I'm going into year 11 in Sept. I started GCSE lessons when i was in yr 9, i was worried too but try to think of other things to look forward to like seeing your friends or something.

  2. My advice is to just take a deep breath and take it one day at a time.  Since your school is switching to a new class schedule, its likely that most students feel the same way that you do.  

  3. I'm going into year 10 to and both side of the years are getting split up i hav no idea where i am going to be im terrified to but it dnt matter that much the only tym yur not gunna no anyone is during lessons n surely by now you no at leat 90 percent of your year and during the first term im pretty sure you will gain friendships with new people. You dnt need anything to change if you dnt want it to all you got to do is hang around with al the ppl you did in the previous years during break and lunch. It aint gunna b that hard and as it GCSE's its best to calm down a bit n not alwayz muck around with mates in lessons youll b consentratin a whole lot better and could improve your skills and knowledge  in subjects. I tend more to look on the bright side bout going into yr 10 of how you dnt ned to do anymore of thos S****y subjects that you didnt pick as yoiur options lol .

  4. I don't go to that school but i am in the same situation

    i am going into year 10 and i am really worried about them switching all the classes and not being with anyone i no also i am doing product design for a gcse and i don't think that any other girls are doing it on the other hand i like making new friends and i guess that you do to subconsciously.

    I hope / think that next year will be ok for you and me because i no for a fact at this time only two weeks until i go back i go through everything in my mind and the what bad things can happen so i make the situation worse for my self

    to calm down relax and talk to some friends because they will be going through the same thing , talk to your parents

    and most important everything will be better than you think so enjoy the last weeks of your holiday and don't worry

    Good Luck

    Hope it helped

  5. no mate i dont go 2 dat school but iget nervouse in school 2 but i dont care lol

  6. no i have home education but i still go to a part time school one day a week and when i started that i was really nervous so i just had a relaxing bath and i played on may ds the on my xbox and then i read a book and went to sleep. so just do things u enjoy to take ur mind of things.

  7. hun ive just finished my gcses.... and trust me u will b absloutly fine! i started my old scholl noing noone b4 my gcses and i gt used to it and so will u!

    just take a deep breth and relax! and 9/10 times u will have a seating plan so u will be fine!

  8. As there are millions of people on here, no one from Easingwold school will ever find this.

    Anyway, I started a new school in year 7 and another in year 9. I didn't know a single person both times. It's fine, you just make new friends. Just be yourself and smile and be friendly. I'm now in year 12.

  9. hiya mate, didnt go to your school, but i have just finished college so am Uni Year 1 i suppose!! Wow, thats weird! It also means that I can tell you about your next 4 years of education!

    Firstly, I am not going to lie, year 10 is probably the hardest school year. You have a lot of work and a lot of learning to do as well as doing most of your coursework. You can expect to see an increase in work and an increase in difficulty.

    BUT... Year 10 is ALSO one of the best years, second to year 11. It is because all of the classes are mixed it is so good. There will be people that you dont get on with in your classes who wont be there next year, and also you meet people that you havent seen since primary school that you get really close to again!!

    It is natural to worry and be a bit scared, but try not to. Within a week you will be back to normal and ready for the next couple of years before GCSEs. If you have any questions or worries then feel free to e-mail me!

    Rich xx

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