
Anyone here good at the board game, Risk?

by  |  earlier

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I have the original one and the lord of the rings one. The objective is to divide and conquer. I am the best player in my family but thats the problem. I can't find a good strategy to beat gankers and suicide junkies. My cousins try to gang up on me and my brother always tries to suicide with my forces. I end up becoming weak but still maintain my territories. I can't expand with all of this hindrance, all I can do is take back land. What should I do? Got any strategies?

Thanks for reading.




  1. I have both of these versions. I like this game. I wish I did I think it is Luck sometimes. I always loose. Maybe that is why my brothers play with me all of the time.

  2. Throw a fish at his face and say STOP IT! STOP IT! IT"S JUST NOT FAIR!

    or you could always spend a long time looking for weaknesses in his territories to cripple his armies thus making it impossible for him to attack you with the little troops he's getting while maintaining your territories.(it works for me all the time but it just makes my turn like 10x longer and you really have to put everything into consideration)

  3. nop i suck!

  4. capture Australia and lock it down.

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