
Anyone here has 2 yr. old kids?

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At this point, what can/can't they do? Do they distinguish colors, shapes, things and animals already? How about count 1-10 and sing the alphabet perfectly/




  1. I dont have a 2 yr ol kid but my lil bro was 2, and i remmeber he was alrdy potty trained, he cud at least talk sum words, not count yet. he shud start walking and doin sum things on his own. i think thts basically it.

  2. My personal feeling is that it is better to compare a child to their own growth and development rather than to any other child's developmental stage.  Nevertheless, since you asked my youngest grandaughter will be two in a week.  She can say color words and sometimes correctly matches them with the color while on other days everything is purple! (Sometimes she does this with a twinkle in her eye as if to joke with me)  One day we were walking along and the brick in the sidewalk became shaped like a circle.  She pointed and said "circle" .  I really had not noticed, but she was correct.  She does not sit down and say this is a square this is a hexagon and so on.  She puts two words together.  She knows the family by their first name and knows which shoes belong to whom, etc. She knows things, animals and their sounds.  She knows one and two or "another one".  She does not count out loud to ten.  She does not sing the alphabet perfectly or otherwise.  She is very helpful and will pick up her toys or put something in the trash.  She is partly potty trained.  She likes to feed herself.She can climb the stairs without assistance (someone is always with her).  One older brother age 9 and an older sister age 6 whom she imitates.  I think she is just a happy little girl.

  3. All children are different and their learning is also dependent on their environment.  Has anyone taught this particular 2-year-old the alphabet, colors, shapes. etc.  I have two 4-year old granddaughters, an 18-month-old grandson, and a 10-month-old granddaughter.  The two older girls (first cousins) learned at different rates, although they are only 9 months apart.  One knew her address and phone number and her parents' actual birth names by the time she was two.  The other could have cared less, but could tell you all you wanted to know about horses! The first one was the daughter of a Department of Public Safety Officer and the information she was taught would protect her if she became lost, etc. The younger is the daughter of a former barrel racer, lives in the country and rides horses when given the opportunity.  

    My grandson can recognize animals, shapes, colors, etc.  He cannot pronounce all of them (he's not quite 2), but when given pictures of items and/or family members he can point things out to you after given clue words ("where's the okapi," "show me the blue square.")  The baby girl is pointing to everything and asking,"That?" She'll be taking in any kind of information that we offer her.

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