
Anyone here have telekinetic ability?

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I do in my dreams, but nothing in waking life.




  1. It has never been proved that anyone has telekinetic ability despite the most sensitive tests over decades.

    And, it is theoretically very unlikely, too. Physics can measure forces, energy and distances from incredibly small to the immensely large. Humans work in a very narrow band, detecting a small range of the electromagnetic spectrum (light and heat), a small band of atmospheric vibrations (sound), in a narrow temperature range. It is incredibly unlikely that there is some form on unknown energy or force that can be controlled by humans that is not detectable by physical instrumentation.

    Also, how could such a power have evolved? We have organs and senses that are anatomically visible and biochemically understood to carry out all our functions. Where are the organs or cells that carry out telekinesis. What biological advantage does an undetectable power give?

  2. yep  I'm actually moving your hand over the best answer selection right now!

  3. Everybody does in their dreams :)

    No, nobody--ever--has been able to demonstrate psychokinetic ability. Many have claimed the power, and some have tried to demonstrate it with only dismal results, but none have been able to demonstrate the slightest ability. It goes without saying that the first person to come forward with such an ability would go down in history, become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. If someone had the demonstrated ability, we'd know it. The attempt to justify why a telekinetic person would never come forward, as some paranormal apologists are wont to do, is just self-serving make-believe which contradicts well known human nature. Telekinetic claims are made every day, as a matter of fact, but of course they are never supported by actual evidence.

    As a side note, there was a research group at Princeton for about 25 years which worked on PK. The group, after working so hard and so long, refused to consider that their work was wasted, but outside objective analysis showed that their work was indeed a flop. There are a number of fatal statistical flaws in their experimental analysis that can be easily identified (see link and others).

    (Note: The site links directly to the Princeton site. But just to silence uninformed critics, I included the Princeton link here as well.)

  4. I don't but i do believe it is possible for someone to have this ability. True no one has proved they can do this and set the record straight for all to see but then why would they. A power such as this could award you time and time again without telling anyone. One you come forward your life would indeed change. You be asked time and time again to perform you be poked and probed and questioned by governments how you do it and if you do not think this would happen then your not aware that no government would allow this to be released whereas they would lose control over the people. Government control is important and they would never allow something more powerful if they could help it. Someone who had this power needs to prove nothing and if they do indeed have it then they already know how dangerous their life's would be, because we all know how humans react in saying that which we do not understand or can control we destroy.

    true they would become great and wealthy but that would only be as long as no one learned of their ability.

    if you religious here is a case in point how man treats those who can not be controled and have powers they beat him mocked him nailed him to a cross until he was dead. he was born like us his body broke like ours but he had abilities and they destroyed him. Those who think they know it all must not be too religious in thinking anything can be possible under the right circumstances. Science is so great it even proves itself wrong on a daily bases. yes they have all the answers.

  5. No, nobody here has it, nobody anywhere else has it either.  Just watch Star Trek reruns and enjoy the fantasy.

  6. Telekinetic powers are fairly simple illusions, although it can be quite impressive to see someone like David Blaine do it, or someone claiming to really have the power.

    Your dreams are the result of "Lucid Dreaming". This is a form of dreaming where you gain conscience control of the dream. It often results in flying/falling/or telekinetic powers. Some people are more prone to these than others, although most people experience them from time to time.

  7. You cannot move things with your mind? That is a shame.

  8. I Wish!!!!!!!!

  9. I do believe in telekinesis and I made a lot of tests with random games which always yield the same result for me:   a constant 10-50% increase in chance.

    I think practice and faith in yourself are the two real steps to achieve it.  You can do so on games like the ones found on

  10. i did before, but i dont exercise it anymore, im not even sure if i can do it anymore.....i have always meditated, and have been in touch with my psychic side, i can also see and read auras....

  11. no

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