
Anyone here know about multiculturalism in Australia? Please help me!... ?

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What are a few effects that multiculturalism has on Australia besides racism, "Australians losing their identity" and learning about different cultures and religions?

Please help me, I'm absolutely hopeless at SOSE!... (social studies)...





  1. I think your looking at this the wrong way, if anything multiculturalism has benifited australia. It is now apart of our identity that we are wlecoming to all races and we are made up of all races. It has brought different cultures and belifes into our counrty so we are able to experince many different things. The only thing that brings racism is the people that think it. I love the fact that i can talk to someone with a different cutlure and backgroiund everyday instead of everyone being the same.  

  2. Emily summed it up well it has given us a lot and made us a better country in the words of a great Aussie song.

    We are one but we are many

    from all the lands on earth we come

    We sing with one voice

    I am you are we are Australian

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