
Anyone here know anything about antenna signal splitters?

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I have cable service and I use a three port splitter for my two TVs and my PC router. I understand that there are types and/or brands of splitters which are better than others. I use a Radio Shack splitter at the moment but I believe there are improved ones out there.




  1. There may be slightly better ones but for a plain old fashioned Non-amplified splitter Radio shack stuff is about as good as you can get.  CAUTION,  If you have any unused ports, that is ones with nothing connected, get 75 ohm terminators usually available at radio shack or other places quite cheaply.  Those open unterminated ports can cause interference, mismatch and poor power transfer.  For amplified splitters, Channel Master, Blonder Tongue, and others make good ones.  Don't get to much gain unless you need it, s these can overload your receiver or cause interference outside of the band if theyoerload themsleves.  THe amplified ones can range from 2 channel to 6, 8 or ten channel and run in price from 12 bucks to over a hundred.  Don't buy more than you need, but you get what you pay for.


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