
Anyone here remember the band Styx?

by  |  earlier

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Were/ are YOU a fan?

We're going to go see them this weekend!




  1. Yeah - they were one of my favorites until Mr. Roboto.

  2. I've seen them in concert!  They are a good band.

    I'm sailing awaaaaaaaaaay set an open course for the virgin sea, I've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me.

  3. YES!  Got to see them and meet them backstage- they put on a good show.  

  4. if i listened to them in high school does that make me old.I like a few of their songs but i remember the girls just loved them back in about 1980.They played near here in early august with boston people said it was a good show

  5. never herd of it LOL

  6. Yes... unfortunately. Never was a fan but had an ex that thought they were the bomb!  I still cringe when I hear their music. Sorry.

  7. OH I just love them!!! have fun they are great in concert!!!!

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