
Anyone here visited brazil?

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i was interested in visiting brazil. what to expect, and how did u like it. also how old are u? are some of my questions. thanks




  1. yes ive been to Brazil because i was born there.  The best way is to havee somethere that can show you around the city.  You have to cinsider what state you want to go( i suggest Rio de Janeiro)

  2. Learn some Portuguese.

    Pretend you don't speak Portuguese.

    I like it a lot, especially the weather.

    Visit Salvador, Rio if you like beaches.

  3. It sucks dude go somewhere else like Portugal or something, they speak the same language and you won't get your stuff taken away.

  4. I spent 3 months in Rio de Janeiro 14 years ago when I adopted my daughter.  It's a beautiful city.  See the Cristo, Pau de Azucar & go to Itaipu or Niteroi beaches (hang w/the locals -- it's safer)

  5. brazil is beautiful.. prepair to be amazed by their beautiful culture, people, and scenery.  i would highly recommend seeing the Iguacu Falls... Salvador, Bahia.. and Rio

    i've visited Brazil 2 times

    i'm 23

    Have a great trip

  6. yeah i wint to barzil for two weeks and i loved it. im 13

  7. I'm from Brazil, if u go tho the beaches, they are beautiful, I'm 14

  8. It's a very beautiful country. There are alot of places to go there. I would suggest Curitiba. I'm 24. ANd I was also born there....

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