
Anyone here who has or applied for a UK visitors visa?

by  |  earlier

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I am a German national working in England and my BF who lives in the USA would like to visit me here. He's a US Greencard holder and would like to visit me for probably a couple of months. He's in the process of applying for a UK Visitors Visa online. Just want to hear from people who has applied or is in the process of applying for one. What else does he need?





  1. what nationality is your boyfriend? For a couple of months he might not need a visa at all, but since he's already applying i'm assuming he does or someone would of told him by now. ( you might want to check this out anyway cause i'm pretty sure as an American green card holder he wouldn't need a visa if he was coming over for less than 90 days!! but i'm not 100% sure on this)

    For a visitors visa it's pretty straight forward, you need to prove that he will be staying with you and that you can support him because he will be unable to work or claim any benefits. And also they may ask to see his return ticket. As long as he does't have any previous conviction lol ( if you've seen the application your'll know what i'm talking about they ask the most stupid questions) Make sure you have all the documention that you need otherwise it wil slow down the process. It might also help if you pre write a letter saying that he will be staying with you while he is in the UK and you will be supporting him, cause most cases they will require some sort of proof.

    You can chooses the date that you wish the visa to start from, i'd applt for the visa asap and it's coming up to the summer time and alot of people are applying for visitor visa and this could make the application longer.

    Good Luck!!!

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