
Anyone home schooling their child in Trinidad?

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I want to know the pro and cons from experienced person. And maybe some tips on where to go, who to meet, recreational activities during school hours etc




  1. Big up Trinidad,why pick home school  in Trinidad the school system is more intense than in America,but anyway if this is what you chose,you should have a curriculum if you are teaching yourself,whatever form your child will be in look for a curriculum book,and buy all the supplies and have each days work planned out the night before.It's not going to be easy.Not sure who you can call about activities,but get the phone book and check that,and someone will give you answers and lead you in the  right direction.But once again it's best for your child to be with other children  to learn,it helps them want to be better kinda like a learning competition,in the mean time send me some Golden Apple.And if you have a great contact in America you should have them send you up the monthly supply's once a month to you that would help alot.Things are expensive home.

  2. Hi Teacher.

    To some extent l agree with Kim, in particular the part about the child being in an environment where they interact with other children. When they're home school, where's the competitive spirit going to come from? And apart from neighborhood friends and family, who will be the child's social mentors. I know the school system leaves a lot to be desired, but at the same time, have peers and people outside the usual circle helps build the child l think.


    Ok, with your added details l can see where you're coming from. Sorry l can't offer more help but hopefully someone will.

    Seems like most of them are pre-occupied with the Olympics!

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