
Anyone in Australia help me find high paying jobs there?

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Anyone in Australia help me find high paying jobs there?




  1. Ive read the gold mines and opal mines pay well, but that depends if you enjoy being 2 miles underground all week? Some wotk 12 days out of every 14 then you get a week off. Then there is the road trains that travel from Perth to the east coast and back, my bro reckons its about $80K but didnt say for how long? Maybe you could get into a Ozzy chat room and ask around in there?

  2. Try the mining industry in Western Australia

  3. Try these web sites.

    I've also included some related to jobs in the resources sector.

  4. you will need to be an SAP expert

    might earn $100K to $200K annually

  5. you need the proper visa first.

    go here to apply:

    once you have the visa, its alot easier to find job recruiters willing to help you find a job down unda.

    good luck!

  6. Yeah sure! Come on over, lol.

    Are you serious???

  7. It depends on your qualifications / experience if you want a highly paid position you will need both.

  8. Hmmmmm?

    Why Australia?

    Where do U live right now?

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