
Anyone in Germany answer this?

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My wife has a brother who we think is in the german army. She has never met him and he knows nothing about her. She wants to find him and contact him. All she knows is his last name. Anyone that can help will be a dream come true.




  1. i might be able to help im what a sargent major would rank in the us army


    Good luck ! Viel Glück !

  3. If you only know his last name (no given name, age, place of birth, mother's / father's name(s), etc) it might be very hard - if not impossible at all.

    Another possibility, if he's really in the german army (Bundeswehr): you might contact the ministry of defense ( They should be able to give you some information - but it might take some time due to bureaucracy...

  4. OK, here's an idea from left field:  there's a show here in Germany called "Nur die Liebe zaehlt" which means "All you need is Love", and they frequently bring stories like yours.  Especially families that have gone to the States, or families that have Americans as relatives (through the US army there are quite a few, you can imagine.)

    Although in German, here's the link:

    You can also write them directly by email:  You should give them in your first mail as much info about YOURSELF as possible (email, tel number, address, etc) and maybe they will contact you (with a little luck).  Give them as much info as possible!

    Hope things work out for your all!

  5. So far the answers given are all good suggestions. The TV Show is a good one in that it is less work for you(as long you do not mind your 'Reunion' being shown on TV). I have seen the show and others like it in Germany so your story is not that uncommon. A few other suggestions; In Germany there is a Jungenamt(Sp?) that keeps track of births and parents, etc. If your wife was born in Germany they may have info about her brother. I saw a German TV show that did a feature on a woman who helps(for a fee) Germans find their American realtives. Maybe someone would have info about that to help you?

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