
Anyone in LA feel that earthquake?

by  |  earlier

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We are in Whittier, CA and we really felt it here. Our phones are off and some small items fell. Really shaken up.




  1. yeah me too.

    im still shaking.

  2. Yes, was on the 6th floor of my office builing in east L.A.  Felt scary, but glad it wasn't worse.

  3. lol go to geaolgy an d sciene and see all the earthwuake things! IM SO NERVOUS I CANT TYPE

  4. Felt it, ran out, shaking, nervous, eeeekkk!!!

  5. Yes,i was on the 3rd floor,everything was moving like crazy.

  6. it is a scary feeling

  7. awesome earthquake

  8. Yes. my phone doesn't ******* work

  9. Woah I'm still dizzy!

  10. Yeah i felt it i was eating at a restruant. When it happened.

  11. yep 5.8 epic center in chino hills next to los angeles

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