
Anyone in South Florida know some code rules for using personal wind turbines for electricity?

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Anyone in South Florida know some code rules for using personal wind turbines for electricity?




  1. Try your state representative's office or

    Every municipality has its own rules.  If you're out in the boonies (The Acerage or in the Agricultural areas), nobody's probably going to care.  Try your local code enforcement office, too.

  2. You might try contacting Senator Ted Kennedy. He has been a vocal proponent for alternative sources, including wind power, for electrical energy.

    Unfortunately, Senator (hic) Ted and some of his elitist cronies on Cape Cod were not fond of the idea when a "wind farm" was proposed for the waters off the Kennedy mansion in Hyannisport. It was a NIMBY (not in my back yard) issue when he was asked to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. So, plans for the proposed wind farm were scrapped.

  3. I think the first step should be to learn as much about conservation as you can, its is easier to save a watt than to make one.  There are several websites that can help you learn what the zoning laws in your area are, I would suggest that you visit, and sign up for the news letter at, both websites are full of info about turbines, be sure to understand what your needs are before deciding on a which turbine to chose or build.

  4. I reccomend that you contact your local District Senator, and request that they send a Florida Constution comprised of the laws and regulations within your state . The Wisconsin Blue Book is a publication of our State Government does answer questions, or lead you to the right place.

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