
Anyone in arizona know where i can buy a Quija board ?

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Anyone in arizona know where i can buy a Quija board ?




  1. Toys R Us sells ouija boards, as do most department stores that sell board games.  If you don't want to spend the money you can easily make one.  These links explain how.

  2. ebay?

  3. Suzzane is absolutely right!  I have no problem with most occult stuff, but Ouija boards are notorious for opening doors you DON'T want to open!  More than any other form of communicating with "the other side", those boards are trouble magnets!  Your "guide" will start out seemingly friendly and helpful... but over time they REALLY start ******** with you and your life!  Stay FAR away from those things!

  4. ebay is a good place to shop without leaving the house (if u r like me and dont have much time)but u can find anything on ebay

  5. It was made by Parker brothers and they sell them almost any were.  BUT... Why would want one?  They are VERY dangerous and shouldn't`t even exist.  Ask any psychic.  If you believe in Ouija boards you probably believe in psychics.  Ouija is BAD BAD BAD!!!!!

  6. You can buy Ouija boards from pretty much any retailer that sells board games.

    Try the games or toys section of your local Walmart/Zellers/Sears/etc.

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