
Anyone in the DALLAS/FW area nervous about this storm about to pull through!!!!???

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yeah cause theres a huge band coming toward us... its kind of freaking me out to watch it on the radar coming nearer and nearer. and of course, the heaviest path of the storm will hit right at me. i live in grand prairie! agh! im up studying for a test anyway.. im in college haha




  1. I know that is so cool....the new stadium is going to be huge..I seen an article in the Dallas Morning News about it.

  2. Be careful! I live in colorado, and we are getting a snow storm right now, when that happens we know you guys are getting something. And you guys have been the talk of all my meteorology classes. Be careful! it will all end soon, we got great weather coming ahead!

  3. batton down the hatches

  4. Well, I'm currently sitting in the nosebleed section at Texas Stadium in Irving.  Did you know that this is the final season of Dallas Cowboy football in the open dome?

  5. Enjoy studying.. 8-) You will just get a lot of rain and noise...Not to worry though.... We're getting the tornado down here in Temple..Its on the ground now!!!!

  6. You know, I used to live in Oklahoma. This time of year I think anyone living in tonado alley is nervous at some level. Some more than others. I now live in Minnesota, we still get our share of twisters, but now where near what we get down south. Lets put it this way, this time of year I am nervous about anyone living in Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas.

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