
Anyone in the peace corps..?

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One of my goals in life is to help others and help make the world a better place..while it is a lofty goal, I believe that I can make a difference, however small it may be.

Has anyone here been in the peace corps or gone through the application process?

what did you intially feel about the peace corps compared to now?

what are some of your experiences?




  1. Are you looking for someone to answer your question? Too bad no one knows any Peace Corp workers or been one themselves.

  2. My experiences are 36 years old, but you are welcome to them:

    You can Google "Peace Corps Blog" to get a fresher look. Lots of PCVs blog these days.

    > what did you intially feel about the peace corps compared to now?

    It has gone downhill, of course. In MY day we didn't have blogs, cell phones, electricity, indoor plumbing, iron tools, fire . . .. We were all 8 feet tall, covered with coarse hair and walked 12 miles to school. It was uphill both ways.

    Seriously, the appplication process painted a reasonable picture of what my life would be like. I went into it with my eyes open. It wasn't always fun, but, looking back, I would not trade the experience for 10 million dollars.

  3. Although I'm leaving for Mali with the PC in 10 days, I can still tell you about the application process.  

       It's long!

    Haha...It can take up to (and often more) than a year from the time you submit your application to when you leave for training.  Unfortunately, I've had some issues (mainly with the medical process and trying to get cleared) so it's been almost 3 years (3 years in december) since I submitted mine.  There is so much bureaucracy involved and it sucks.  Things get lost and people don't read stuff.  I recieved a phone call from my PC nurse the other day saying that she is just now hearing about my major knee injury when I was fully upfront about it a year ago.  Honestly...why?  All in all..even after such c**p I'm very excited about leaving and i'm sure it will be a great experience.

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