I had been having regular(every26days) periods for about 7 months. However, last month I was really stressed about some financial stuff and af came 2days late. I was really upset because I was thinking I was preggo bcuz it was late and its never late. Then, I really got upset bcuz my af got off track after it was doing so well.
Anyway, last af on July 31. I'm not sure if its coming on the 26(which is 26 days after last one) or on the 28( 28days after). Don't know when I ovulated because I choose not to chart and temp. BD almost every day last week and the week before.
The only symptoms I'm having could be af or preggo. Sore b***s, very tired over the last 4-5 days and a lilttle nausea, lots of creamy cm yesterday and today and mouth watering. I'm hoping to be preggo. I've been off bc since June 2007.
Babay dust and lots pf prayers to all!!!! Good luck.