
Anyone in the tww? what symptoms are you having?

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I had been having regular(every26days) periods for about 7 months. However, last month I was really stressed about some financial stuff and af came 2days late. I was really upset because I was thinking I was preggo bcuz it was late and its never late. Then, I really got upset bcuz my af got off track after it was doing so well.

Anyway, last af on July 31. I'm not sure if its coming on the 26(which is 26 days after last one) or on the 28( 28days after). Don't know when I ovulated because I choose not to chart and temp. BD almost every day last week and the week before.

The only symptoms I'm having could be af or preggo. Sore b***s, very tired over the last 4-5 days and a lilttle nausea, lots of creamy cm yesterday and today and mouth watering. I'm hoping to be preggo. I've been off bc since June 2007.

Babay dust and lots pf prayers to all!!!! Good luck.




  1. I think me and DF missed my window this month: (

    I was set to OV sometime after this weekend at the latest (so maybe that explains all of my CM), but we could only BD right after my cycle. I've been feeling very very unusually fatigued this cycle and during my period and after. Me and DF co-slept taking afternoon naps alot while on vacay together a week much so his parents noticed. Have had some cravings right after too.

    Hopefully this is our month...

    Good Luck and Baby Dust and Will Be Praying For You : )    

  2. you could be, a lot of women get pms symptoms when they are pregnant.

    you know since you stopped charting maybe you are!!! wait 28 days then take a test just to be safe.

  3. It sounds like you could be pg as you have several of the possibles!  I'm also in the 2WW which is BLAH!  I'm having tender b*****s, some cramping, and mouth watering as well!  Hope we got get our BFPs this month!

  4. Hi!!  I am on cd 28 today and at the end of my 2ww.  I usually have cycles that are somewhere between 26-30 days long.  It varies a little.

    On cd 25 and 26 I had lots of AF type cramping.  On cd 26 and 27 I had lots of cm with some brown mixed in mainly in the mornings.  I thought for sure AF would be here soon.  I had nothing most of today but kind of crampy again and some more brownish cm (just a little).  I am also moody and tired.  Shooting pain in my b*****s today.  It could just be PMS though.  I guess I will wait it out a few more days to see.

    Best wishes!!!

  5. Good luck! Yea im having pregnancy and af symptoms too and I think im officially late! My symptoms are sore nipples, fatigue, and mild nausea

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