
Anyone interest in helping me eliminate illegal immigrants in CA?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to get signitures to get a bill on the ballot that would make any children illegals have while they are illegal, illegal. This would take the birth rights away in our state and discourage illegals or at least make them go to other states. If you are interested in helping or signing this bill please let me know.




  1. I want to help.I hate Mexicans coming to our country.They're criminals,they look at our women and they smell bad.If Mexicans could be deported then our fat,lazy American kids would have to do the 5hit jobs the smelly Mexicans used to do.That's reason enough to help you my friend.

  2. You should commit hara kiri. Do the world a favor

  3. So being illegal means you will be a criminal? That is quite interesting.  I thought it had to do with the conditions you lived in and what kind of environment you grew up in.  I know citizens who have committed crimes too, oh wait, I think I'm onto some sort of correlation here possibly.  Last thing we need is for more people to be marginized from society, the children need to become citizens so they have a chance like everyone else at success.  Who knows, maybe the guy/girl who was supposed to be able to cure cancer was already deported...

  4. **** NO!!!!!!!

    we all live on earth so we should share it with no borders, no poor, no war, no hunger just peace man...

  5. Sorry, but the only thing that's going to change that is a Constitutional amendment.

    Federal law trumps state law.

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